Okochi Sanso

When you tire of the crowds at Tenryuji Temple and the adjacent walkway through the bamboo grove, head to Okochi Sanso. Actually, in my experience, Tenryuji and the bamboo grove were so overrun with tourists that they weren't worth it. Instead, just go straight to the nearby Okochi Sanso. You'll have to pay a little to get in, but the entrance fee keeps the noise and pests out.

Okochi Sanso is the former home and garden of the Japanese samurai film actor Denjirō Ōkōchi in the Arashiyama area of Kyoto. It was very well-maintained and absolutely beautiful when we visited. There were few other tourists around, so it was quiet and peaceful. The grounds were gorgeous and the views of downtown Kyoto and nearby mountains were fantastic.  

If you look closely you can see the little temple on the mountainside. So cute!
From one of the little buildings you get a marvelous view of downtown Kyoto.

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